The HIV epidemic has changed these past 30 years, and with that the needs of those living with HIV in our community has changed. To address the needs of those we serve, we have incorporated an integrative approach to the wellness of our clients. We offer a variety of medical and support services for our clients today, which includes: physician visits, lab work, dental care, mental health, substance use services, wellness, support group, transportation, nutrition services, education, financial counseling, and housing assistance.
We have been fortunate to expand our Education & Prevention services over the last ten years. We offer access to condoms and PrEP for HIV prevention. We can assist clients in insurance enrollment and access to preventive medication (PrEP) at no cost to the client.
Our HIV testing has expanded across the community and we now combine HIV testing with Comprehensive STI panel and Hepatitis C testing. The Baby Boomer generation, as well as those who have injected drugs, are at high risk for Hepatitis C. We provide free, confidential testing and access to Hepatitis C treatment at no cost to the client.
The ARE Education Team also seeks to end the stigma around HIV, LGBTQ identity, and sexual health. We offer Gender Identity trainings to the community and can adjust the training based around the intended audience.